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Pablo Fabrício Flores Dias

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Pablo Fabrício Flôres Dias - Contact/Consultation

Laureato in Chiropractic at Feevale University (founded Superior Chiropractic Course in partnership with Palmer College, since 2002, 5 years course with 4200 h).


Bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy  ( 5 years and 5.300 h),  from Feevale University Brazil ( Professional specialist in Chiropractic and specialist in Traumato-Orthopedic Physiotherapy. Title of specialist in two specialties, issued by COFFITO Federal Council of Physical Therapy, after proof of titles and knowledge. (

Proficient in Gonstead, Thompson Terminal Point Technique, Logan Method (Logan Basic) and Advanced Diversified. Training in different chiropractic techniques, such as Gonstead Chiropractic Technique, Advanced Diversified, Thompson Terminal Point Technique, Logan Basic, SOT, Instrumental Chiropractic, Somatovisceral Techniques. He also masters myotendinous and myofascial release techniques, direct, reflectxic, manual and instrumental. Experience and training since 2008 in the area of Chiropractic.

Master's Degree in Chiropractic from ANAFIQ. With several seminars in the area of chiropractic, totaling a training of more than 2000 hours with specific chiropractic techniques including clinical practice. Diploma in Manipulative Physiotherapy from ANAFIQ (

He worked with Esporte Clube Novo Hamburgo in the first division PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB of the 2004 Gaucho championship as a Physiotherapist.

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Dr. David Pierce DC USA, after a period of training at the Vertebral Spine Institute Unit in Novo Hamburgo, leaves his testimony about the ICV clinicians, Dr. Pablo Dias and his colleague Juliano Romani.

Post Graduation Courses:


Lato Sensu Post-graduation in Chiropractic, and also, Traumato-orthopedic and Sports Physiotherapy. He also has specialist training in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and training in Japanese Acupuncture from Unisinos.

National coordinator of the Spine Institute ( Diploma in Traumato-Orthopedic Rehabilitation by SBRTO Brazilian Society of Traumatological and Orthopedic Rehabilitation. (

Clinical Practice


Dr. Pablo Dias, apresenta uma experiência Clínica na área de Agulhamento Seco e Acupuntura de desde 2002, tendo atuado principalmente na área musculoesquelética e também no controle da dor em pacientes de ambulatório clínico e também hospitalizados, muitos destes em pós operatório imediato.  


1.    Currently dedicated in clinical practice in Chiropractic, in the Gonstead, Thompson, Logan and Diversified Techniques methods.

2.    Judicial and expert technical assistance in traumato-orthopedic, in the civil, labor and INSS areas.

3.    Clinical consultations in Traumato-orthopedic Rehabilitation and technical guidance.

4.    Development and guidance of diagnostic strategies and treatment plans in pain management and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

Novo Hamburgo General Hospital

Worked for six years as coordinator and technical manager of the Physical Therapy sector of the Municipal Hospital of Novo Hamburgo, until 2012 with clinical experience involving trauma-orthopedics, intensive care, polytrauma and chronic diseases units.























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Clinical internship in Clinical and traumato-orthopedic surgery, with the coordination of the traumatology service, Dr. Rogério Santos Vargas, at the Municipal Hospital of Novo Hamburgo.

Experience as a teacher:


One of the first Physiotherapists to work with the Dry Needling, Neuropathic, Regenerative and Trigger Point models. In the area of education, until 2020, when it ended teaching activities in the area, it reached the number of more than 2,000 (two thousand) students trained.


In the area of teaching, he worked in several specialization, extension and improvement programs in the musculoskeletal area in Brazil, and also in Chile and other countries in manual therapy and clinical skills.

Already taught seminar in many Techniques :

1.Gonstead Method

2.Thompson Terminal Point Technique

3.Logan Method Structural Analysis and Neuroreflexives Techniques

4.Diversified and Extremities


He worked in the specialization programs of the Federal Council of Physical Therapy, participated in the Diploma programs in Traumatological and Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapy and also Chiropractic. It has trained more than two thousand students in the area of dry cluttering in regenerative, Trigger Point and Neuropathic approaches. 1.University of Chile, post graduate program at the Faculty of Medicine, for Kinesiologos na Phisiotherapist in Manipulative Therapy 2.Professional Specialization Program of ANAFIQ / COFFITO Feferal Consil of Phisiotherapy Brasil 3.Faculdade Inspirar, in several units, post-graduation in Chiropractic. 4.Specialization and training programs of SBRTO Brazilian Society of Traumatological and Orthopedic Rehabilitation 5.IBRATE Faculty, Post Graduation in Chiropractic 6.Thompson Technique, Logan Basic, Gonstead, Diversified, Extremities and Reflectic Release Techniques in several seminars. 7.Dry Needling and Clinical Acupuncture 8.Clinical Skills and Traumato-Orthopedic Rehabilitation.


©  2023 por Instituto Coluna Vertebral 

Novo Hamburgo - RS

Tel: 51-3066-8930 - Whats: 51 99559-8930

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